Child Custody Attorney in Westminster CA

Protect your relationship with your kids by hiring a child custody attorney in Westminster CA

When parents are married, they automatically share joint custody of any children they may have. But if you are getting a divorce or you have never been married to your child’s other parent, you will need to take legal action in order to establish these rights. Rather than try to tackle the legal steps on your own, you should simply entrust your case to a child custody attorney in Westminster CA.

Why Choose Us as Your Child Custody Attorney in Westminster CA

When you choose the Law Office of Michael L. Fell, you will receive personalized attention from an experienced child custody attorney in Westminster CA, namely Rita Liu. Attorney Tran has dedicated her career to family law and completed over 200 hours of training in specialty topics including child custody. She will treat you with compassion and respect, listening carefully to your needs and priorities and doing everything in her power to help you use the law to protect your relationship with your child. Attorney Tran handles:

  • Legal custody–the right to make legal decisions for the child on issues like schooling and medical care
  • Physical custody–where the child lives
  • Visitation–when and how the non-custodial parent will visit with the child

Attorney Tran makes an excellent choice for contested custody cases due to her experience in and talent for litigation. She understands the factors that a judge will consider in your case, and she will make sure they have the accurate and relevant information they need to come to a fair decision.

Help for Uncontested Child Custody Cases

If you and your child’s other parent get along, you can work out the details of your own custody and visitation arrangements. However, it is still wise to involve a child custody attorney in Westminster CA. We can help you draft your agreements in clear and appropriate language and then submit them to the family court for you. Once your agreements have been signed by a judge, they will become legally binding. This means that if your relationship with your co-parent deteriorates in the future and they try to break your agreements, you will have legal recourse.

We Can Help Keep your Custody Agreements Fair & Relevant

Your custody and visitation agreements are not set in stone. This is quite fortunate since agreements can start out fair only to become inappropriate as family circumstances change over the years. For instance, if the custodial parent moves out of state, the visitation agreement may need to be updated to provide longer but less frequent visits with the other parent. Or, if a parent that was previously deemed unfit for custody has made progress in their life, maybe they deserve to gain additional rights and privileges. For the best chance of securing the modifications you and your child need, you should definitely let a child custody attorney in Westminster CA prepare your modification petition and submit it to the family court for you.

Call Now to Learn More

Want to learn more about the benefits of choosing The Law Office of Michael L. Fell as your child custody attorney in Westminster CA? Call 949-585-9055 now for a free consultation.